To the Old Gods and the New, we Pray...
WARRIOR, we pray that you hear us among the great cacophony of supplications you receive daily from Westeros. Surely you are the most popular of the Seven, given the recent occupation of most of the continent. Surely, it will remain so, as the hordes of the dead encroach upon the world.
WARRIOR, let us not be torn between loyalties. Let us find our way to the service of others who appreciate us and love us and will defend us. Grant us courage in the face of those who don’t give a shit. Save us from the bludgeoning of The Plot and it’s occasional tendency to stray into the belief that surprise in itself is both means and end. Let handfuls of decent and uncannily hygienic soldiers continue to miraculously appear from nowhere (even if it undercuts the tone of the narrative…).
Like battle, redemption is messy. In balancing the scales, in striving to repair what we’ve broken, we inevitably discover that the world is more complex than is easily mendable. Despite this, help us to keep our oaths, take up worthy causes and outrun our pasts when we are unable to fix them.
WARRIOR, if we find ourselves lacking a right hand, let the left serve as well.