To the Old Gods and the New, we Pray...
OUR FATHER, who guards the North, in thy name we pray: that thy surviving children actually run into each other sometime soon. We pray for the health of the direwolves — may their lives not be cut short by a CG budget or a purging of side characters — and for adroitness of storytelling in the matter of a certain Snow’s parentage. May the pack survive.
We pray for the longevity of this King in the North — and failing that for his first resurrection not to be his last. We humbly thank you for the justice finally meted out for the death of the previous King in the North. Most earnestly do we request the safeguarding of one Lyanna Mormont. Watch over her, on this night and the nights to come.
Father, although it seems interminably foolish at times, we still believe in you and your JUSTICE. No, really, we do. We still wish for he who pronounces the sentence to swing the sword. We expect our heroes to wield the tools of judgement and in the end to prevail over the forces of ambition and apocalypse. We believe yet in the old way.
We know that you paid for misplaced faith and optimism in human nature — as have we, your devout followers. Over and over — and yet, we still look to you and your justice. We still pray, Oh Our Father, that it will come out all right in the end.