Writing, stories, notions, and nonsense from Hanna Brady

Saint Inigo Montoya

Patron Saint of Organization, Good Government and Waffles

inigo montoya

Patron of revenge, fencing and tenacity in the face of the impossible

Let us pray...

SAINT INIGO, Teach us doggedness and determination in the pursuit of our goals. Grant us your tenacity in learning. And help us to train both the right hand and the left.

Let us know the difference between an opponent and an enemy.

Against an opponent let us be fair, and even friendly. Make us capable of seeing the decent fellow behind a mask. Make our word our bond. Make us friends, hereafter.

Against an enemy make us implacable. Let us recognize evil behind smiling faces and unthreatening names. Against an enemy, give us STRENGTH, give us the courage to look them in the eye and give us - we pray - the last word.

May we find friends who love us. Friends who will pick us up out of the gutter and dunk our heads firmly, but caringly, in the water barrel until we sober up and remember that self-pity is anathema to success. May we, in turn, care for our friends and be there for them in the hour of their need - with white horses as necessary.

SAINT INIGO, we pray that we never have your cause for revenge. Watch out for our fathers, in the name of the father you lost.

And finally, SAINT INIGO, be with us, when failure looms. Be with us when we are bleeding and cornered and tired. Be with us when we are afraid of losing, and when the price of losing is too much to bear. Be with us! And if you can, grant us the strength to take one more step, one more breath, and finish what we came here to do.